I grew up without going to a dentist. Now I’m 29 and with a good job that even has benefits and want to have a smile I am proud of. As it is now, I always smile with my lips closed. When I went to see the dentist he hinted that my teeth are too much of a mess and I’d be better off getting them out and getting dentures. I’m way too young for that. I know my teeth are discolored, chipped, and some have decay but I thought teeth could be fixed. Is there no hope for me?
Dear Lexie,
Each dentist has a different range of where they find teeth saveable, but I find it hard to believe that none of your teeth are saveable. Based on what you’ve said, some solutions for you would be teeth whitening, composite fillings, dental bonding, and dental implants for the missing teeth.
However, some of those procedures require post-doctoral training, such as the dental implants and dental bonding. That being said, I agree you are too young for dentures. At your age, you would be in full facial collapse by the time your 50.
In your position, I would see another dentist for a second opinion. Specifically, look for a dentist who offers the services you need. Don’t stop there, though. Make sure you check that they have the post-doctoral training necessary to do it well.
One good thing working in your favor is your dentist didn’t try to do procedures he wasn’t qualified for. Too many dentists will go forward with something like dental implants even though they haven’t gotten the training they really needed. This usually ends up disastrous for the patients.
This blog is brought to you by Kalamazoo Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Susan Dennis.