I have snap-on dentures that connect to dental implants. I need to replace the male retention caps. My dentist charges me $30 each for these. That may not sound like a lot of money to some people, but it is a fortune to me. With prices going up on everything, I couldn’t afford enough groceries this week. If I don’t get new retention caps, I won’t be able to eat anyway. I noticed online you could get 4 for less than the price my dentist charges me for one. However, the only way to order them is if you are a dentist. Do you know of another way for me to get these?
Dear Adam,
First, I want to tell you that you chose a great tooth replacement option getting dental implants. This not only improves your quality of life but prevents you from getting facial collapse.ย I am sorry that you are having such a hard time. This economy is causing so many to struggle. No one should have to choose between food and their medical needs. While it is true that dentists have overhead and do need to mark up things in order to cover those expenses, this item seems like it would be a such a small amount toward his or her overhead that I don’t think your dentist should complain about giving them to you closer to cost. I would start by explaining your situation to your dentist and see if they are willing to work with you.
If they are not, you still have a couple of good options. First, I would call around to other dental offices and talk to the them. Usually it is the staff who does the ordering for the dentist so you may find a sympathetic ear who will get them to you at cost. Look for dental offices who advertise as being affordable or who provide affordable dental implants. These dentists tend to look for ways to make things a bit more affordable for those who need some extra help.
If you can’t find anyone to help you, there is another way around this. I have noticed on eBay that there are overseas sellers who do not require you to be a dentist at very reasonable prices. The one issue you will find with this is that you need to know exactly what you need when it comes to the varying strengths or resistance you need.
This blog is brought to you by Kalamazoo Dentist Dr. Susan Dennis.