I had a crown placed on my front tooth. It doesn’t match the other teeth. It’s a CEREC crown. Is that the problem. Can it be fixed?
Dear Ben,
CEREC Crowns are milled from a single block of porcelain
The fact that it’s a CEREC crown isn’t the whole problem. Truthfully, only the best of the best cosmetic dentists can do a CEREC crown for a front tooth. CEREC crowns are milled from a single block of porcelain.
Now the cream of the crop cosmetic dentists can do some color changes on the crown, but you’re talking about 1% of dentists. Most, even great cosmetic dentists, will tell you to have a traditional crown done on a front tooth.
While they can be made to match the color of the other front tooth, they won’t have the subtleties of your natural tooth because it has varying depths of opacity as you go from top to bottom of the tooth. However, based on what you said above, it doesn’t sound like your dentist even matched the color. This has nothing to do with the fact it is a CEREC crown and more to do with the skill of your dentist.
Where Do You Go From Here?
You could ask your dentist to do it again, this time using a traditional crown. However, if he couldn’t match the color the first time, I don’t feel too confident that he’ll get it right this time. Though, you may feel it is worth giving him a second try.
Another option is to ask for a refund and go to a different dentist to have the crown done. Unfortunately, it is up to him whether or not he refunds your money. The standard for dental work, such as a crown, is whether it is functional or not. Your crown is functional so there’s no way to require him to give you a refund. It’s a matter of whether or not he cares about how his patients feel about his quality of work.
I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this hassle. This blog is brought to you by Dr. Susan Dennis of Kalamazoo.