I need to get a crown on a canine tooth. One of the things I want to deal with before I get the crown is the color of my teeth. I was told that I would not be able to whiten the crown after it is made. So, I’d like to take care of that before getting my crown. I also have quite a few composite fillings that I am guessing will not change color with teeth whitening either. Should I whiten my teeth and then change the fillings? Or should I try to guess the color I’ll end up with and go that way?
Dear Pamela,
Tooth bleaching trays
Your dentist is correct that the porcelain crown you get will not be impacted by teeth whitening. I am glad that he or she warned you about that. Too many people don’t learn that until it is too late and they go to get their teeth bleached. You are also correct that the teeth whitening will not do anything to the fillings.
It will be impossible for you to guess the final color for your bleaching efforts. This is because even after you stop whitening, your teeth continue to get a bit brighter for up to two weeks as oxidation continues. With all that in consideration, I would recommend you do all of the bleaching you want first and then get your dental fillings and the crown done. You are wise to get guidance on this.
There is a good option for you. My suggestion is to get take-home whitening, where you wear the bleaching trays for the length of time you want each day until you achieve the whiteness you’re hoping for.
This blog is brought to you by Kalamazoo Dentist Dr. Susan Dennis.