I had dental bonding done about ten years ago. They’re now looking pretty rough. I know that regular teeth whitening is not strong enough. I wondered however if the Zoom Whitening was strong enough. I was told that it is much stronger than the take home whitening.
Dear Ben,
The good news is that whoever did your dental bonding made sure it lasted. That is fantastic. Most dental bonding doesn’t make it nearly that long. The unfortunate news is the Zoom Whitening will not get it any whiter.
The reason for that has nothing to do with the strength of the whitening procedure. Instead, it has to do with the way teeth whitening works. It will only whiten natural tooth structure. That means whether you are using Zoom Whitening or at-home whitening, it will have no effect on your dental bonding.
You have two options for this. First, you can get the dental bonding replaced. If you do it with the same dentist, then I would expect it to last as long as these did, given the same set of circumstances, including how you care for them. If you end up with a different dentist, you should know these generally last only a few years.
If you are looking for something more permanent, than I would look into porcelain veneers. These are generally used for a complete smile makeover. They can last for decades if well cared for.
You didn’t say what the dental bonding was for. If it is just a chipped tooth or some other small surface, than you are better off just having the bonding redone even if it has to be redone periodically because it is less expensive. If it is a larger surface, then you will likely want to invest in the veneers.
I hope this helps you.
This blog is brought to you by Kalamazoo Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Susan Dennis.