I started teeth whitening a couple of weeks ago. Everything was going fine until a couple of days ago when I started having this “zing.” It kind of debilitates me for a couple of seconds. I believe the source as some old dental bonding I had done on that tooth. The bonding is about 9 years old. Does this pain mean that the teeth whitening is dissolving the bonding? If not, does that mean that the dental bonding is ending its lifecycle?
Dear Ginny,
Tooth bleaching trays
I am sorry that you have been having pain with your teeth whitening. I do not believe that the bleaching is weakening the bonding agent. There has been no evidence of whitening products damaging any tooth bonding. Plus, if it had, then it would just cause the bonding to fall off instead of zinging you.
This sounds like the type of pain that happens when you have a sensitive part of the tooth. Maybe there is a damaged part of your bonding that his allowing the bleaching to reach it. I am assuming you are under the care of a dentist while you are having your teeth whitening done. I recommend going to see your dentist and letting him know what is going on.
He or she will be able to pinpoint the exact cause of the pain. If my guess is right and it is a sensitive spot, your dentist can place a coating on it that will allow you to whiten your teeth. I would not whiten until you see your dentist because you want to be certain of the exact problem. Plus, I doubt you really want the pain that you have been experiencing.
This blog is brought to you by Kalamazoo Dentist Dr. Susan Dennis.
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